
Jumat, 11 April 2008

The 12 Aha's of Happiness

"Honor your health. Make time everyday to tend to your body, mind, and spirit."
One of the things that people can overlook is addressing the 3 parts of themselves daily. It doesn't have to take long— can just be a few minutes where you address all 3 parts of you— your brain, body and heart. One of the ways Michelle DeAngelis suggests people do this is by creating a space where they can express gratitude for their health, visualize a happy and healthy heart and stretch. She emphasizes that it doesn't have to take long but it is a very important thing to do

"Start. Do it now!"
A lot of people live in fear! That fear can be paralyzing and can prevent you from getting out of the starting block. Michelle DeAngelis suggests just taking a baby step. People are reluctant to start because they don't know their exact target. DeAngelis' suggestion is to just get into motion because once you get into motion other doors start opening, things start happen and your view changes so just start and get out the gate today!

"Thoughts are things. Are you creating the life you want?"
This 'aha' is to remind people that they can manage their thoughts to create the life they want rather than letting their thoughts manage them. Become aware that your thoughts, words and actions affect your world and then become aware that you can learn how to take control of those thoughts. Don't let the mental chatter run away with you.

"Speak your word. Mean it."
This is more of an issue for women than for men beacuse women tend to be reluctant to speak up for what they really believe in certain circumstances but men also often times will not speak their word. A lot of people are not trained how to speak their beliefs in a way that is not an attack on the other person. Express your self gracefully, calmly— get people to start giving their authentic opinion learning how to speak your word in an authentic way that is not harmful to others.

"Love is the basis for everything. Love yourself best and first. Then sprinkle freely."
How do you expect to be able to give love to others if you can not give love to yourself? It's like telling someone how to cook a fancy meal without ever cooking it yourself. While helping client on this particular 'aha' Michelle DeAngelis gets a lot of push back from people because some people think they don't deserve to be loved best and first so there a lot of self worth issues are rised here. People must really work to be compassionate with themselves and then turn that compassion inside out because being that way with themselves allows them to be even better to others.

"We all have Choices. Choose what is right for you while respecting others."
Many people are not aware of the fact that they always have a choice. People need to learn how to become conscious of their choices and to become aware of the choices they are making. Some of the choices might be hard and challenging but there is always a choice to be made. Becoming aware that you have choice will help people to stay away from blaming others and from feelings of resentment or anger with or towards another person.

"Show Up. Be Present."
"Show Up. Be Present" is the 'aha' that works as a reminder for people to show up and use active listening skills. This way people are really there and can experience what is happening in the moment. People who are fully present notice the little things. Being present will help people to avoid the automatic rut experience of life.

"Have Fun! Smile. Laugh. Play. Celebrate."
A lot of people have such a dreadfully low fun factor— they are just really bad at creating fun moments. This one is to remind people what it was like to be on the playground when you were 8 years old. Create a grown up equivalence— identify the things that make you feel light, happy and fun. If you are having a stressful work day discharge that energy by changing your rhythm. Get into a better place by dropping whatever you are doing and do something to really change your energy while having fun with it.

"Give. Be Generous.There is plenty for everyone."
A lot of people tend to think one for you and two for me or I better grab mine while it's there or grab for myself first because there may not be enough to go around. A way to reframe that thought is to realize there is plenty for everyone to go around and then become more giving. Get into service and start giving; even simple things write a note, giving a flower, putting money in stranger's parking meter and you will realize the more you give the more you receive.

"Jump. Risk It. Action banishes Fear."
This 'aha' is similar to "Start. Do it now." Starting is just starting, but jumping is really being willing to follow through with what you want to do and just risk it- jump!- do something big. There are people who benefit from the symbolism of doing something that they could never imagine themselves doing because it lets them know that they are more powerful and have more courage than they thought. Just a matter of getting into action will substantially reduce the fear you are experiencing. If you really want to do something then not doing it will always hold you back— you'll always be in fear. SO risk it— get into action and you will soon experience less fear.

"Release what you don't need or it will slow you down."
People tend to hold onto things they don't need out of fear. It could be weight, a relationship or clothes in your closet you will never wear again. Release it or it will slow you down— stop holding on to things because of fear and because you are afraid of what things will be like when it is gone. Identify what makes you feel bad— just identifying what is weighing you down is the first step to identifying what you need to release to get you closer to JOY! Excess things are just baggage— so get rid of the excess.

"Be grateful. Give thanks."
It is rare that we consciously think I am so grateful to have my health or to have any of the little things in our lives. There are little things and big things that we can be grateful for that we don't always express our thanks and gratitude for. Giving thanks for the little and big things in your life will help you to appreciate them more. That thanks can be to loved ones, a stranger, god or nature— that gratitude can make the wounds of the day heal faster.

"Believe in good things. Have faith!"
This last 'aha' ties into positive thinking— people tend to have a belief about how the world works and it tends to be negative with thoughts like "that will never happen to me" and "'I'm not that lucky". This 'aha' should encourage people to view the fabulous things in their life as a demonstration of faith— a reason to believe good things can happen. If it is something challenging like bad news, people can manage to still be joyful because even in that bad news it is good and important information for them to know.

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